Tuesday, December 2, 2008


We spent our first Thanksgiving in Guam with our new friends from church. We had lots of food and fellowship. I made my Great Aunt Lou's famous Carmel pie so I have to put some pictures of my first pie. It was pretty good! One of the ladies, Gail works for a couple and when they go out of town she watches their home. It is nicknamed the "mansion", it sets on the cliff and you can see out into the bay from the kitchen window. Kim and Clarie are two other girls who joined us and another couple Bob and Nevadi. We had a 24 lb turkey and it was yummy!


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

That is awesome... and the pie looks so good.

Lucci Dallas said...

hum... aquele tipo de comida parece maravilhoso o que é mufins?